Consultation _ transposition of the public exposures and justification aspects of the 2013 Euratom Basic Safety Standards Directive

The 2013 Euratom Basic Safety Standards Directive (2013/59/EURATOM) lays down safety standards for protecting against the dangers arising from exposure to ionising radiation.  It scope includes not only medical, occupational exposure but public exposure scenarios such as building materials, contaminated land and of course naturally occurring terrestrial radiation such as radon gas.  Collectively the four jurisdictions making up the UK have sought to ensure a consistent approach and therefore the proposals out for consultation have been jointly prepared, even though they will be implemented through their relevant legislative regimes.  At this time, whilst the consultation includes policy proposals setting out changes to the Radioactive Contaminated Land (RCL) regime the actual proposed updated RCL statutory guidance and amendments to the RCL legislation will be informed by and follow this consultation.  Other areas that might interest readers are the proposals in the context of NORM Waste and bringing geothermal energy production under the list of NORM industrial Activities.  To find out more and to read about all the proposals to bring UK legislation into alignment with the 2013 Euratom Basic Safety Standards Directive then please go to The consultation is expected to close at 11:45pm on 15 November 2017.