With teaching time on many university courses much decreased resulting in a reduction in the practical hands-on experience, and training budgets within companies, as a result of the recession, being pared to the minimum the Geotechnical Academy provides the industry with a much needed training resource.

Their twitter account bio says it all Got the theory but missing the practice? On-the-ground #developement for new & current #geo-professionals. #whattheydidntteachyouatuniversity .

If you are new to the industry, in the early years of your career or just need a refresher and would like to understand some of the more practical aspects of designing an investigation, selecting the most approriate drilling technique or just deciding on what monitoring/sampling equipment to use then why not take a look at what the Geotechncal Academy can offer. Learning is through a mixture of :
- knowledge transfer;
- practicals;
- debate;
- discussions;
- demonstrations; and
- shared learning.

Typically, each year, there are between two to three course starts, with courses comprising 10 sessions delivered over a 12 month period at a very reasonable rate of £800+vat per delegate.* At the moment the Geotechnical Academy is seeking delegates for their next Course start date in January 2017. If you want to know more, or register your interest, then please visit www.geotechnicalacademy.co.uk. Why not make a difference to your career or your staff’s career this 2017?
* Course cost current 17/10/2016