You may have noticed that WRAP (Waste Resource Action Programme) now focuses on three priority areas – Food and Drink; Clothing and Textiles; and Electricals and Electronics. Between 2002 and 2014 WRAP in collaboration with the construction industry and trade bodies developed the Built Environment Knowledgebase to help businesses become more resource efficient. This included involvement with some of the UKs iconic building projects which generated a wealth of case studies and good practice guidance. So where is all this knowledge now? Well it has found a new home with CIRIA who along with CECA and Build UK are custodians of this bank of information. It is readly accessible to all via CIRIA’s website, although you will need to register first if you do not already have a CIRIA login.
Given the policy drive to move towards a Circular Economy, CIRIA, with support from Build UK and CECA, will be engaging stakeholders across construction and the built environment sectors to seek their feedback on the Knowledgebase. This feedback will help to identify and prioritise those assets within the Knowledgebase that CIRIA and its Partners will seek to then update through collaboratively funded research projects with the support of a small Working Group.
CIRIA are seeking industry involvement in three ways to maintain, improve and update the Knowledgebase through:
- providing feedback of the existing Knowledgebase;
- expressing interest in supporting any working groups set up to review and update prioritised assets;
- sponsoring the update of prioritised assets.
If you want to get involved please contact Sirio D’Aleo at CIRIA directly